
Stone (Staffs) and District

News & Events



u3a members can join in many free national Zoom events online. Current ones include laughter yoga, cryptic crosswords,
a talk on Turner and others on mindfulness and artificial intelligence.  https://www.u3a.org.uk/events/educational-events

Stone (Staffs) & District u3a Events are run on a regular basis throughout the year with invited speakers on a variety of topics. Contact Linda with any ideas for Speakers or Events.

Forthcoming events

The Traditions of Christmas

Fri Nov 22nd

Kath Reynolds, will talk at Christchurch on Friday, 22nd Nov 2024 on the subject of “The Traditions of Christmas” (details to follow)
Venue: Christ Church Stone

Previous Events

SPEAKER MEETING –‘Lesley Smith at Tutbury Castle’
On 25th March 2024 we were privileged to see another great performance by Lesley Smith on her last appearance at Tutbury Castle. This time, she brought the mighty warrior queen Boudicca to life; recounting how she rose to lead the Ancient Iceni tribe in a failed war against the Romans. It was a thoroughly enjoyable and amusing talk, followed by a scrummy cream tea.

SPEAKER MEETING –‘Have yourself a Wild Christmas’
To a packed house audience in the Christ Church Hall, on Friday 24th Nov 2023, speaker Kevin Reynolds gave an amusing and informative talk with a carefully curated slideshow. He showed strangely imaged Victorian Xmas cards, told the origins of that popular Xmas plant, the Poinsettia, and debunked the idea that Prince Albert was the first to introduce the Xmas Tree to Britain, also explaining our pagan use of the holly and ivy. An enjoyable time had, plus refreshments, for only £2.00.